Freebies Galore at the Glaminar Make up Workshop

Hey guys! So yesterday I posted about my trip to the Glaminar Make up Workshop, and now I’ll be sharing with you what I got to bring home with me… 😉 Let’s get started!

I was given this Animalistic Zebra Beauty bag (feeling so safari-ish!), and inside it were more fab and fun things like…

 A Carmex lip balm… They say that this is a savior for those le chapped lips 😉
A Strip it! 100g Mini Sugaring kit.. I’m excited to try this one on my pits which is my real problem area… Expect a thorough review of this one soon! 😉

An Olay total effects Anti-Ageing cream, which I will be using to moisturize my skin after cleansing and toning, which are three steps to skincare that one must not ignore. 

 A Nyx lip gloss in Mauve and an ELF professional concealer brush
And my Certificate! To prove that I now know how to properly groom my brows. LOL. 😀 It’s pinned in my diary for safekeeping.. 
And there we go… I really had loads of fun in this workshop, and now I want to give you guys a little something, since you are all so cool to stick with me, my randomness and fascination to make up these past months, and it’s also my way of saying thank you to you my dear readers… 🙂 I’ll be posting my next giveaway later on with Glaminar Make up Artistry! YAY!!! Watch out for it, okay guys? 🙂
again, thanks so much, and have a great day! 😉